Should we use Slack or not?

An instant messaging app called “Slack” has become more and more popular among research labs. I was wondering what is the benefit of using it? While waiting for my grant proposal to be assembled and submitted, I read a little on the differences between Email and Slack.  These are two useful, while very different, communication tools. There

The Courage

I love photography! I am pretty into the genre of photojournalism/street photography. To me, the most soul-touching photos are always on the topic the capturing human conditions. There is tremendous humanity embedded in those photos that go beyond beautiful colors and sceneries. I brought a lot of photography books. One of the recent ones is called “The Family Imprint”. What’s

On Mentoring the “Morphogenesis”

Building a successful career in biomedical research has become increasingly challenging. Becoming a successful scientist in this current highly competitive biomedical field is almost a “miracle” in some ways – it is a magical blend of personality traits, some productive mentor/trainee relationships, and some good luck! What are the essential personality traits? For the trainee,

Farewell Seniors :)

We are fortunate to have many “minions” over the years. Emily and Melanie are some of the super minions 🙂 We will for sure miss them, but at the same time we are so happy for them and can’t wait to hear their future adventures. Good luck our Seniors! [FinalTilesGallery id=”5″]

Your Mettle

Science is one of the most fascinating things you can learn in this world! Being part of the discovery process is tremendously rewarding (at the last…. keep reading!). In contrast to the “scientific news”, the media generally has less interest in the daily life of a scientist. Under the excitement of cool scientific discoveries, from

Training T-shaped Scientists

In the business world, you will hear people often look for talents who are so-called “T-shaped”. They have an uncanny ability to work outside the core area while maintaining the depth of expertise in a given area. Who doesn’t want such talent in science? Counterintuitively, in science training, we are almost afraid of talking of